Sunday, January 24, 2010

Holidays Past, Holidays Present

Each year I spend Christmas morning and part of the afternoon at Tampa's Metropolitan Ministries, giving some holiday joy in my own way by photographing families and singles who find themselves without a permanent home during the holidays. It was no different in 2009.

With helpers Jillian Balantyne and Gilda Suarez, we photographed 40 families and eight single ladies who had spent Christmas Eve night at the Family Care Center. Classic Masterpiece 8 X 10 and 5 X 7 enlargements as well as wallet-size prints are given as a gift to those photographed.

In addition to the photos, Gilda gave out Teddy Bears that I had collected from donors over the year. It's an incredible experience to see the eyes of the young people when they receive a gift they didn't expect.

My holiday gesture at Metropolitan Ministries is as much for myself and as for those I photographed there over the past 11 years. It's probably the very best way I could utilize my time at giving to others. It's a feeling that can't be way of giving back to a community that's been so good to me during my career.

I want to thank all of you who are reading this blog and who have visited this web site for allowing me and my work to be a part of your lives. Your gift to me is the feeling I get when the portraits I take of your families become a part of your homes and your memories. Please stay in touch with us throughout the year and remember we are always here for you and for those you care about.

Best wishes for a great and prosperous 2010!